Monday, August 1, 2011

Trouble Comes When...

Trouble comes when the mind runs ahead of the soul. The soul is patient, gentle, orderly, methodical. The mind is a whirlwind. Yes, at times the soul flits and flies, grasping bits of beauty in the air, but mostly the soul is a quietly flowing stream.

To wait for the soul makes the mind impatient. Yet if we can train the mind to accompany the rhythm of the soul there will be harmony, and together we will create greatness.

Dear readers, what say you? How do we slow our minds?


AngelStar said...

My best way is to walk in nature until its heartbeat matches mine...

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

A lively enquiring mind is food for the soul in our view and so we do not seek to make our minds be still. Rather, we are concerned for troubled souls which yearn for and deperately seek peace but do not reach harmony.

We agree that to walk hand in hand with Nature is truly a calming experience, its rhythmns are so comforting.

Old Kitty said...

I think silence helps. To be able to just listen inwardly and deeply without any artificial and unnecessary noises!! Bliss! Take care

helen tilston said...

I feel to get the mind, body and soul co-ordinated, we need food for all.A good diet of food, exercise physically and mentally and keep the mind sharp, attentive and challenged.
A great thought provoking post.


roseyone said...

angel-star....i have been on overwhelm this last mo.....working at being present and grounded.....a task.... when every thing seems to be spinning ou of control...nature is comforting, first thing in the morn. i water my garden in silence and gratitude for the day....i can only embrace the now....all else will be as it has you....m

Ricardo Miñana said...

Me gustan tus pensamientos,
grato placer pasar a leerte.
te deseo una feliz semana.
un abrazo.

AngelStar said...

oh yes, H, i did not mean to still the lively mind, but the worried mind...we are on the same page there, hoping for peace.

AngelStar said...

kitty, rosey, helen and ricardo, thank you and gracias, your insights are ever so appreciated in my life...

deeps said...

Practice makes perfect … and I wonder if there is a fixed way to do it..!!

Unknown said...

Funny to stumble onto your blog today, the morning I woke from an anxiety-riddled dream that mirrors the inner turmoil I've been facing. Everything I've read in your sidebars tells me you're someone who would understand. Nice to "meet" you and I look forward to reading more from you. Happy Thursday!

AngelStar said...

deeps, i guess there is no fixed way, but meditation, beauty and stillness are sisters of serenity...

nicole, may you ease into untroubled dreams and days...

Cynthia said...

I use various methods to calm my
gypsy mind - the 23 psalm, or
sit down with my feet up and slowly
drink a glass of water.

AngelStar said...

Dear readers, this eloquent missive arrived via email from a dear friend in New Mexico...I wish to share her words with you...

"Oh how I know trouble. When I go there, there is only one thing to do. I sit in my garden and watch the butterflies. Sometimes I do that when my mood is so bad that I can't enjoy life. As the butterflies hold my attention as I watch them perched on the purple flowers, moving from flower to flower, I begin to understand. Butterflies do not stay in one place very long. They are like the thoughts that come into the mind. Thoughts that can be released with the same quick yet graceful movement of the butterfly.

One day I noticed that there is a white butterfly that likes the Ponderosa Pine trees. Maybe she likes the pollen in the small seedlings that are the beginning of next year's pine cones. What a lovely thing to watch: a white butterfly! She looks so pure and angelic. Her whiteness gives me hope."