Thursday, May 26, 2011

Balancing Act

A bird flies from the ground to a small branch, and lands.
The branch wobbles. Whoa, thinks the bird, maybe I made a mistake.
Then he finds his balance. The bird looks around, content.
He begins to sing.
The twig shakes again. So he stops.
The bird sees something in the grass, and dives down.
The grass is as tall as trees. He can't see past it.
But he can eat.
Everything, the flying, the eating, even the balancing, seems like hard work.
Only in brief moments is he perfectly balanced.

We may not always be balanced.
But we are always who we are - a person, or a bird.

Star Saint Claire, May, 2011, San Diego


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

On consideration, we feel that we are rarely balanced. However, we do think that a slightly uneven view of life is essential in order to cope with the ups and downs that come one's way.

Old Kitty said...

I guess it's how we deal with the imbalance.

I love this little bird! Take care

Anthony Duce said...

I did enjoy this. It would be nice if balance had less distractions, enough to be comfortable sometimes.

SunnyToast said...

Love the post...finding balance:)

AngelStar said...

hi all! i have not been able, due to a google glitch, to comment for weeks, on my own or anyone else's! i do hope this switch to the pop up window will fix that. thanks for reading, angel-star

helen tilston said...

We may not always be balanced is so true, we wobble, we topple, we get back up and in getting back up we will find balance again.
Wishing you a lovely day I am your latest follower
Helen Tilston

AngelStar said...

thank you, merci, gracias, toyin and helen