Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reaching For The Light

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty..." (Keats).

I bought some little pots of herbs and put them in my kitchen, where they promptly began to die. (I have wanted an herb garden for some time, though I have never done well keeping plants alive.) I kept watering them, but they got sicker and sicker. I realized they were not getting enough light.

The chives were a goner, but I sat the basil and the parsley outside on the porch. The parsley turned yellow. The basil became brown sticks. It was too late. Then I left on a trip.

When I returned, the basil, miraculously, had one green stem surviving. And then this one green stem got leaves. It now bends itself outward, almost horizontal, reaching for the light.


AngelStar said...

The longer i live, the more i believe that keats words about beauty and truth are true...what do you think?

roseyone said...

once a long long time ago...i had a straggly rose bush that didnt seem to do anything...i decided to cut it to the ground and plant somthing else.....low and behold a week or two went by and this rose bush started growing, full and green, lush as can be and the most beautiful american beauty red roses...the moral i guess is it isnt over till its over...blessings angel-star....m

Old Kitty said...

Basil is so difficult to grow and keep alive so yay! Well done you!

Take care

Ruby said...

What lovely thoughts. Such a relationship to the human spirit as well; I watch my ailing sister as she 'bends to the light'. While are dismaying over her plight she is making plans for eventually leaving the hospital and returning to her home, surviving a bit differently with a missing 'part'.
Your blog gives me 'hope'. Thanks

Pat Wahler said...

Never give up. And your little basil plant demonstrates why!


AngelStar said...

oh thnk you and bless you rosey, kitty, ruby and pat! keep reaching for the light...

Ralph said...

I planted parsely outside in a pot three years ago and have been cropping it ever since and never do anything other than crop it. Right now it is under a mountain of snow but as soon as the snow goes it will be rearing its head to the light.

AngelStar said...

and when the snow goes, we will all be rearing our heads to light!