Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not Just About Oprah

If you have read from the beginning you know this blog began with a dream about Oprah and how she saved my life.

If you came along recently, you will see that it is, of course, the Spirit, the soul, nature, intuition and dreams, art and poems, that save my life.

So this blog is really not so much about Oprah, as it is about saving graces, the things that come into our lives, remind of us ourselves, and return us to our own souls.

When I was five I peeked over a garden wall outside a green velvet yard in Seattle and saw a beautiful Asian Lady walking up the sidewalk as if floating. She was wearing a silk kimono which flowed around like colored water and had painted sticks in her upswept hair. Her beauty arrested me, and her image imprinted on my heart.

When I was ten I had a beautiful teacher who loved my poems. When I was eleven I wrote my first song. When I was seventeen I started painting. These things have come along over and over, and made me want to live...

Think about your saving graces. What are they?


AngelStar said...

Even small moments, like the night I looked up just in time to see a heart-shaped opening in the clouds, and one star inside the heart...beauty makes us want to live...

Ralph said...

Wow Thanks for those beautiful words I came along this morning and read this and I so need that this morning. I was feeling so negative and down but I am now going to head of to the bath and do some serious thinking.

AngelStar said...

deep thinking in a deep bath? good for the soul, i believe!