Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Awakened

When I dream you, I dream you whole

I dream that out of wholeness, you create.

We have been artists attempting to heal by making art...

Is it possible instead to be a whole person creating art (or merely living life) rather than putting on art the burden to heal us?


AngelStar said...

a shift in the heart and in perception...

does creating from wholeness make sense to anyone besides me? in other words seek wholeness first...even before art...

Anthony Duce said...

I'm not sure I understand your definition for wholeness? Art is imagination, images in the sand, the look on a child's face captured, erotic shapes, beautiful sunsets, and I can go on and on. If this is what you mean by wholeness, I guess I can agree I dream in wholeness too.

roseyone said...

well said...i would choose wellness and wholeness always first....art is just a consequence of wholeness...

Ralph said...

Art has within it the power to heal because it can capture the heart and turn it from destuctive thoughts.

Pat Wahler said...

I love the name of your blog! Millie and Queenie are so beautiful.

Thanks for visiting Critter Alley. I look forward to getting to know you!


AngelStar said...

thanks all...you inspire me to dream and to create...